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Why You Should Practice Effective Time Management as a Student

Why You Should Practice Effective Time Management as a Student

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You hear it all the time as a student – from teachers, parents, administrators and online articles (like this one). “You have to learn how to use your time effectively.” They might even give you tips on how to pull it off.

But what some of those well-wishing figures fail to explain sometimes is why time management is so critical. In this article, let’s explore the driving factors behind effective time management so that you can become a more focused, faster and more ambitious student in the coming semester.

Why take some random advice from an internet article? Why change how you study when things are (more or less) working just fine? Below, you’ll find compelling reasons to kick your time management skills into overdrive.

It’s an Essential Soft Skill a Future in the Workplace

Unfortunately, school isn’t the be-all and end-all of your working career; there’s a wide world of labour, money and career advancements awaiting you at the end of your academic tenure.

And there’s nothing a company likes more than effective time management. You’ve undoubtedly heard the adage “time is money,” an evergreen mantra that underscores the importance of time and productivity. The better an employee manages their time, the more work gets done. And the more work that gets done, the more money a company makes. Job scouts and hiring managers will look to see whether you’ve demonstrated effective time management in your studies.

You’ll Get More from an Academic Career with Self-Motivation

Whether you’re destined for lengthy post-secondary education or trying to make the most of your time at high school, you’ll get more from your academic career if you are self-motivated.

Time management and self-motivation go hand-in-hand. As you methodically allocate and coordinate your time studying, you will naturally find an internal sense of motivation. On the contrary, poor time management often requires external motivating factors (a teacher sternly telling you to “get back to it” or a parent hollering up the stairs to “finish your homework!”). These external sources of motivation create a system of reliance; you need others to tell you what to do and when to do it.

Break the cycle of external motivation by honing your time management skills.

You Can Complete Online Courses on a Quicker Timeline

If you’re taking online high school credits in Ontario, you can see tangible benefits from effective time management. Online courses are often self-paced, meaning that they allow you to set the speed for your studies. You can finish in a year or two months – the choice is yours.

If you manage your time effectively, you have a much better chance of finishing your courses early, leaving you time to work ahead in advanced grades or university prep.

Managing Your Time Leaves More Time for Other Things

Whether you attend online courses or a traditional brick-and-mortar school, effective time management allows you to make space for other interests.

If you spend 70% of your seven study hours procrastinating, that’s 4.9 hours of wasted time (don’t worry, there’s no math test at the end of this). That’s almost five hours you could have spent playing an instrument, socializing with friends, playing sports, or whatever else interests you. When you use your time productively, you gain more time for the fun stuff.

Hopefully, this article motivates you to try and use your time effectively in the coming semester. Consider it an investment in your future prospects, happiness and internal sense of motivation!

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