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How Elearning May Help Introverted Teens

How Elearning May Help Introverted Teens

Teenage years are a challenging time for many. Between the ages of 13 and 17, our personalities form, and we become acutely aware of who we want to be and who we are in relation to society. For some teens, the desire to fit into a certain social group or obtain certain grades can cause them to feel self-conscious, experience bouts of anxiety and become more introverted.

Introversion is not a bad thing in and of itself. Introverts typically share several traits, including perfectionism and being self-critical. But sometimes, these feelings can leave teens feeling stressed and unhappy.

If you have a teenager who’s more of an introvert than an extrovert, consider the benefits of e-Learning through a virtual high school. Here, both teens and mature students can complete Ontario high school diploma courses and revisit courses that they’ve already taken but perhaps didn’t get their desired grades.

While removing a teen completely from social settings is detrimental, allowing them some respite from traditional day-to-day schooling may have positive effects.

They’ll Feel Comfortable Asking for Help

Raising a hand or speaking out in a classroom full of fellow students might be daunting for some teens. Drawing attention to oneself can be overwhelming and made even worse when paired with the nagging thought that the question (or answer) might be foolish. For some, this makes the task of speaking up unfeasible.

Through eLearning, students can connect with their teacher virtually via email and through threaded discussions and chat topics, alleviating the concern of drawing attention to themselves when asking for help.

eLearning Moves at the Student’s Pace

Very introverted teens can begin to experience stress when they’re not allowed sufficient time to decompress or recharge on their own.

In Ontario, students need to achieve 18 compulsory credits to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma, including, but not limited to,

  • 4 Credits in English, and
  • 3 Credits in Mathematics

eLearning allows breathing time whenever it’s needed. Students can work through their coursework at their own pace, on their own time. Further, students can take as many breaks as they’d like throughout their self-allocated study period.

A recognized Ontario virtual high school will provide credits for completed courses such as MCT4C (Grade 12 Mathematics for College Technology), ENG4C (Grade 12 College English), and MDM4U (Grade 12 Mathematics of Data Management).

The Environment Is More Conducive to Productivity

In a newspaper article, Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, details how persons with introverted personalities have a “preference for a quiet, less stimulating environment.”

Often, classrooms and schools are loud, bright, and boisterous spaces — these stimuli may be overwhelming for an especially introverted teen. Allowing teens, the freedom to create their own calm at home will give them the power to focus more attentively.

Online schooling is worth valuable consideration for introverted students of all ages. It gives them the ability to curate a quiet workspace, receive adequate support, and enjoy unmatched flexibility that will help them thrive and achieve their academic goals without undue stress.